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Asset Searching

Arcane is well versed and experienced in asset discovery for a variety of cases.

Our detectives can:

• Find the location of an obligor
• Identify all sources of income both earned and unearned
• Identify assets that have been transferred to another party
• Locate off shore assets of any class
• Determine the facts locally, nationally or worldwide

Arcane Detectives know what to look for and where to find it!

Locating assets can assist in satisfying a debt as well as help in contesting bankruptcies or proving fraud, but plaintiffs must be sure collection can be accomplished before spending money on the effort to identify hidden assets. It should be noted Private Detectives are strictly prohibited by Nebraska law from physically collecting money and Arcane Investigations will always comply with this. Arcane will identify the assets but a plaintiff must use other means to collect against them.

Litigation Issues
Litigation attorneys may retain Arcane Investigations to determine if a case is worth pursuing before accepting it, when deciding whether to file suit, during discovery, in assessing when to settle the suit and for what amount, and after winning a judgment to satisfy claims. 

Divorce Cases
In divorce cases, asset searches help ensure equitable settlements. Lawyers concentrating on bankruptcy, personal injury, domestic relations, environmental law, and collections have added asset searches to their lists of available tools. However, Arcane Investigations Private Detectives are prohibited by Nebraska law from physically collecting monies as collection agents.

Under no circumstances will Arcane Investigations engage in the physical collection of money.

Banking and Asset Management Firms
Banking institutions, government entities, and asset management firms, (as well as their counsel), have a critical need for asset search services.

Arcane Investigations can be retained to verify financial statements and discover hidden assets of individuals and companies comprising defaulted debtor lists.

In cases where account officers believe the debtor is dealing in good faith, Arcane Investigations can be retained to make only the most basic of searches.

In cases where the defaulted debtor is suspected of hiding or failing to disclose assets, those officers may choose to authorize more comprehensive searches.

As investigative specialists, Arcane Investigations Private Detectives complete critical projects accurately and on time.


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