Organizational Fraud Risk Assessment and Prevention Training
Do you handle cash, accept credit cards, sell a product, or operate company vehicles? If so, you are at risk of becoming a victim of fraud.
Arcane Investigations Private Investigators help you identify your organization's vulnerability to
fraud in an organizational development intervention called a Fraud Risk Assessment seminar. It is an in-depth examination designed to help your business or organization zoom in on areas of fraud risk.
Our investigative team leads your key leaders through a structured framework that identifies your internal and external business processes that are historically prone to the dangers of fraud.
Our team will:
• Identify inherent and residual fraud risks
• Evaluate departments and areas most likely to commit or be the victim of fraud
• Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of existing controls
The Arcane Investigations Fraud Risk Assessment may reveal certain fraud risks that have
not been adequately, properly, and permanently mitigated due to lack of, or noncompliance
with, appropriate preventive and detective controls.
Our team works with the client to develop mitigation strategies for any risks with an unacceptably high likelihood or significance of occurrence. Responses will be evaluated in terms of their costs versus benefits and in light of the organization's level of risk tolerance.
We recommend you check with your insurance carrier to ask if they offer a discount for using
Arcane Investigations seminars to assess and help in mitigating your ongoing fraud risk.
Determining the Facts
Arcane Investigations Private Investigators use thorough, methodical procedures to determine the facts you need to know
• Establishing a clear chronological order of events
• Clear analysis and conclusions
• Accurate, complete and substantive information
• Critical examination of all aspects and facts
All Arcane detectives are former law enforcement personnel or government investigators with 10+ years of experience.
Interviewing People
Arcane Investigations Private Investigators can connect evidence to factual, predicate, character, or expert witnesses.
• Location of potential witnesses
• Clarity of information using our unique interview process
• Interviewing, not interrogating
• Experience in working with people from all walks of life
• Available on your time schedule, locally or world wide
Criminal Defense Investigations
Arcane Investigations Private Investigators are relentless in determining the factual basis of criminal defense investigations to expertly and diligently assist and support the defense effort.
• All Detectives worked 10+ years in law enforcement or government investigations
• We work with you and your theory of the case
• Our Detectives have deep experience in:
• Police investigation techniques
• Personal Interviewing techniques
• Evidence discovery and documentation
• Criminal trials
In Criminal Defense Investigations, the stakes are high; make sure you give your client the best investigation possible!
Labor Issues
Arcane Investigations Private Investigators can help your business maintain high-level employee performance.
• Background screening packages for job applicants
• Post-employment screening
• Polygraph testing
• Interviewing
• Employee conduct issues
• Violence-free employee terminations
Arcane Investigations can undertake all these tasks with complete privacy and discretion. On time and on budget!
Workers Compensation verification and Insurance Fraud
Evidence shows insurance fraud of all kinds is increasing in the United States at an alarming rate.
Arcane is experienced in investigating all types of insurance fraud quickly and accurately:
• Workers Compensation Injury claim verification
• Medical claims
• Arson
• Property Loss
• Art or other asset loss
Locating People
When you need to find a witness, lost relative, family, runaway or friends, Arcane stands ready to assist you.
• Our Detectives are experienced in locating people locally or world wide
• Arcane Detectives know where and how to look for someone
--using state of the art techniques and tools
--filtering out inaccurate information
--operating with complete privacy and discretion
• Arcane's record of successfully locating people is one of the best in the business
Asset Searching
Arcane is well versed and experienced in asset discovery for a variety of cases.
Our detectives can:
• Find the location of an obligor
• Identify all sources of income both earned and unearned
• Identify assets that have been transferred to another party
• Locate off shore assets of any class
• Operate locally, nationally or worldwide
Arcane Detectives know what to look for and where to find it!
Cold Cases
In many instances new evidence comes to light with the passage of time. Arcane Investigations feels a fresh set of eyes and different perspective can make significant difference in the ability to solve an old case previously reported to law enforcement officials or other individual private detectives and agencies. A new look at these cases by Arcane Investigations can:
• Provide closure and vindication for your family, friends and clients
• Promise complete concentration on your case
• Work entirely on your schedule
• Work within your budget
• Ensure you control the amount of time and effort
• Provide you complete documentation and all findings
Polygraph Testing
Polygraph Testing can be an important tool that provides one piece of the larger puzzle you need to solve. A polygraph records the body's involuntary responses to an examiner's questions that may indicate deception. The scientific process of the test itself is not admissible in court. However, such tests often uncover other information that is useful.
Arcane Investigations provides:
• Fully certified and experienced examiners
• Location of your choice
• Testing tailored to your schedule
• Complete privacy and professionalism
Process Serving
When someone is sued, he or she retains the constitutional right to be notified. Or, you may need to subpoena someone. Let Arcane provide you with the professional, on time service you demand
- Eliminate guess work: Arcane is professional and experienced in process serving
- Arcane performs this important duty with strict adherence to Nebraska Statue 25-507
- You can count on Arcane to meet your deadline
- Arcane will pursue defendants and witnesses with tenacity, making your job easier
- Using Arcane assures you can document the defendant or witness was served and the law was strictly followed.