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Cold Cases

In many instances new evidence comes to light with the passage of time. Arcane Investigations feels a fresh set of eyes and different perspective can make significant difference in the ability to solve an old case previously reported to law enforcement officials or other individual private detectives and agencies. A new look at these cases by Arcane Investigations can:

• Provide closure and vindication for your family, friends and clients
• Promise complete concentration on your case
• Work entirely on your schedule
• Work within your budget
• Ensure you control the amount of time and effort
• Provide you complete documentation and all findings

It is important to note most crimes have a statue of limitations (a period of elapsed time after the incident in which a suspect must be charged) that expires and prevents prosecution. In these cases, Arcane Investigations can continue to make efforts to solve your case to recover stolen property or for the sole purpose of giving you piece of mind. Law enforcement usually declines to do this due to practical reasons such as limited funding and no justifiable reason to continue. They will, however, return your stolen property if they recover it (and can determine it is yours and/or find you) after any length of time.

Under most circumstances, law enforcement has done everything they can to attempt to solve your case. But remember, law enforcement investigators must serve all members of the community (many thousands--or in some cases, millions) in which they have jurisdiction while remaining stewards of public tax dollars. At some point when there is no tangible evidence or practical reason to continue devoting resources to your case, it becomes "cold." Or, for an administrative reason, law enforcement officials are forced to clear the case by exception. This can mean witnesses refuse to cooperate or the prosecution declines to charge a suspect with a crime for any number of good reasons. Arcane Investigations Private Detectives are not restricted by a vast scope of responsibility to an entire jurisdiction of citizens. They are working directly for you--on your case, your time, at your convenience, and on your budget. Remember, however, all incidents of crime should be reported to the police immediately. The first question an Arcane Investigations Private Detective will ask is whether or not it was reported to your local law enforcement agency.

That being said, in no instance will we interfere with an ongoing police investigation or do anything to jeopardize their efforts to solve it. Arcane Investigations Private Detectives meet with the law enforcement officers who originally took your report and/or investigated it. If, for any lawful or prudent reason, officers direct us not to proceed, Arcane Investigations Private Detectives will not do so. In many cases the police are happy to have someone else look at the case as long as nothing improper is done. Then there are some who prefer to retain control over all actions in your case regardless of whether or not it is being actively worked. Arcane Investigations enjoys a good rapport with law enforcement due to our tremendous respect for what they do, especially given the fact our detectives were law enforcement officers for many years. Due to the vast numbers of officers throughout Nebraska and the constant turnover in personnel, there are many cases where we meet officers on a private case who don't know us or our background and they are understandably apprehensive. For the greater good, we will not oppose law enforcement's wishes in any way.

Arcane Investigations will forward all evidence and/or information to the police for use in their case. Private Detectives do not arrest anyone.

Cold Homicide Investigations
In Nebraska, nearly one-hundred and fifty homicide cases remain unsolved (meaning not cleared by arrest or criminal charges) over the last thirty years. Technological and scientific advancements in the areas of DNA testing and evidence analysis demand a need to re-examine unsolved homicides.

These cases are never closed by law enforcement due to the fact murder has no statute of limitations. These rare cases require particular care and cooperation with law enforcement and prosecutors. Arcane Investigations has and will exercise extreme discretion in agreeing to accept these cases.

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