Arcane Investigations provides:
Polygraph Testing can be an important tool that provides one piece of the larger puzzle you need to solve. A polygraph records the body's involuntary responses to an examiner's questions that may indicate deception. The scientific process of the test itself is not admissible in court. However, such tests often uncover other information that is useful.
Arcane Investigations provides:
• Fully certified and experienced examiners
• Location of your choice
• Testing tailored to your schedule
• Complete privacy and professionalism
Employee Polygraph Testing
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 prohibits private employers from using polygraph tests while screening job applicants and from taking disciplinary action against employees or prospective employees who refuse to submit to a polygraph exam.
It does, however, allow employers to request a current employee submit to a polygraph test if the employer is investigating a workplace theft or other incident involving economic loss to the business.
During such an investigation, an employer may ask an employee to take a polygraph exam if the employee had access to the property under investigation; the employer has a "reasonable suspicion" the employee was involved in the incident; and the employer provides the employee with a signed statement giving reasons for testing particular employees.
Non-employee Polygraph Tests
In many cases, attorneys, relatives, or other people request polygraph testing of an individual in an effort to gain peace of mind or verify statements unrelated to the employee status of the person being tested.
Such persons must voluntarily submit to the test
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