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Interviewing People

Arcane Investigations Private Detectives can connect evidence to factual, predicate, character, or expert witnesses.
• Locating potential witnesses
• Clarity of information using our unique interview process
• Interviewing, not interrogating
• Experience in working with people from all walks of life
• Available on your time schedule, locally or world wide

What is the correct way to interview a witness? 

The success of Arcane Investigations Private Detectives’ personal interviews is the fact we actually interview, not interrogate. 

Our detectives have cleared many criminal and civil cases over the years through interviewing countless suspects and witnesses who contributed critical evidence. 

Our detectives know their interviewing techniques set the tone for the disclosure of facts and therefore follow a methodical sequence of inquiry. 

Our detectives put the witness at ease, establish rapport, and carefully and respectfully inquire about what the witness knows about the given situation. 

Arcane Investigations uses a four-phase framework of witness interview:

Phase I:  Free narrative from the witness
Phase II: Restatement by the investigator
Phase III: Review of information
Phase IV:  Reconciliation of inconsistencies

Arcane Investigations Private Detectives address what the witness observed through the five human senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.  They use the conversational method and allow the witness to speak freely about their observations. 

Witnesses are much more likely to provide information when they are being treated respectfully than when they feel they are being “interrogated” by inexperienced and/or overzealous investigators. Our detectives listen to what the witness has to say without interruption in Phase I.  In Phase II, the detective repeats what they heard to ensure proper understanding.

Arcane Investigations Private Detectives know questions will be derived and asked based upon the responses of the witness.  In Phases III & IV, our detectives take detailed notes and do not rush their directed interview.  Above all, they make the exchange as least adversarial in nature as possible.

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